Wednesday, March 17, 2004


The best politician in Britain has just committed the Government to building 1000s of affordable homes. I have been working in education for 13 years and am about to become a teacher trainer, but am priced out of the market.

Even if my deposit was twice what it is, it wouldn't make a blind bit of difference. So I live just as I did when I was a student, in one room with my stereo and CDs. Most of the books I own have been in a friend's loft since 1997 as I have no room for them. Every day I go out to work - hard - for this. (In effect, for nothing, for I cannot move my life on to the next phase.) Many of my friends are in the same situation.

Why doesn't someone go the whole hog and make it ILLEGAL to own a second home merely in order to reap profit from have-nots?

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