Saturday, February 28, 2004


There's something in Whit by Iain Banks about "interstitiality" - I've forgotten exactly what it amounts to, but it's a cult religion where the intervals between events are the things that are really revered, so everyone learns to read between the lines.

I love time between - waiting for my flight in an airport (I try to arrive incredibly early so that I can take advantage of it); a long train journey; being snowed in (see 27 Feb). For the time to count as time beween, you have to have no access to anything that could tempt you to complete some nagging duty, or even embark on something creative. There's no opportunity to get it down on paper. There's nothing else for it but to look out of the window and reflect on the past and future. (Good Buddhists advise against this, but what the hell really? The mind will grow still of its own accord)

Next week is - honestly - National Procrastination week, by the way! Don't bring your laptop with you.

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