Friday, February 20, 2004


Where do I start? I want to use this as somewhere to post rants, ravings and insights into the nature of reality! These are the kind of things you can't talk about in the pub. A while ago, I made up my mind never to ask people, "what do you do?" but rather, "what makes you tick?"

Isn't that the way to get started? Cut to the chase. People get startled instead. But, come on, I don't have time to hear the over-rehearsed breakdown of your boring schedule, and I wouldn't expose you to mine. I want to know what makes you tick. Right now. "Even if it's for two minutes only, it'll be a START."

I'm a monkey at a keyboard!

First things first: this monkey wants to note we're in a strange boat (thank you, Mike Scott) sailing on a strange sea, heading for a strange goal. I don't understand the goal! Not at all. Maybe someone can explain?

Where the hell do the politicians think they're taking us? It seems to be a voyage out on to a dark sea, to an unknown continent that may not even exist. All very heedless. Following maps that we all know don't match the terrain... Old 19th Century things, most of them, dog-eared and lunatic.

By the way, for a sane political perspective, go to and read the article (early December 2003) about the oil supply. But ssshhhh... it's a secret!!!

So anyway, I find myself co-opted, press-ganged almost, on to this strange boat. And I don't believe in the cartography of the politicians. Or even most of the artists... The only good protest song I've heard in years is the Radiohead one "You and Whose Army". Where once there was questioning and beautiful
provocation, now there is only an eerie silence.

I've got a few obscure texts I go back to sometimes: Nietzsche (Why is he so good? more later); Buddhist thinking; idealistic nostalgia - come on, you need opiates on this voyage - like "All You Need is Love"; Roy Harper gigs; Julian Cope's rants; Straw Dogs by John Gray; a lot of films. Most of the good literature these days is in films.

It's good to know that some other people sense the strangeness of the goal! There is absolutely no need to pretend. We are all sailing to the edge of that Viking world...

How to react? Have a larf? Surfing Yahoo personals, I find nearly all the girls are just craving "someone that can make me laugh... gsoh essential..." Yes, l know why and I like to feel those pleasure-chemicals too, coursing through my veins.

But the fact remains. The strange goals will still be there: "economic growth"; "the war on terror"; and everywhere you look, celebrities grinning back at you!

The Captain's message breaks in: "Don't worry, everybody - just a bit of turbulence on the voyage. Tune back to the eternal entertainment channel... because there will ALWAYS be Saturday football and celebrity sex and the political soap-opera and the Today programme and the 100 greatest TV moments ever and the Booker of Bookers and the latest episode."

Well, what a comfort. Thanks, Cap'n!

My friend Helena sent me this (prose) poem last year. My favourite little map at the moment. From a book I haven't read, An Unexpected Light by James

I have always wanted to sail the South Seas, but I can't afford it
What these people can't afford is not to go
They are enmeshed in the cancerous discipline
of "security", and in the worship of security we
fling our lives beneath the wheels of routine - and
before we know it our lives are gone

What does a person need - really need? A few
pounds of food each day, heat and shelter, six
feet to lie down in and some form of working activity
that will yield a sense of accomplishment. That's
all - in the material sense. And we know it. But we
are brainwashed by our economic system until we
end up in a tomb beneath a pyramid of time
payments, mortgages, preposterous gadgetary, playthings
that divert our attention from the sheer idiocy of the charade.

The years thunder by, the dreams of youth
grow dim where they lie caked in dust on the
shelves of patience. Before we know it the tomb
is sealed. Where then lies the answer? In choice.
Which shall it be: bankruptcy of purse or
bankruptcy of life...?

If any of this rings a bell, I am at or avatar68 (Yahoo Personals). I'd love to hear from anyone else who feels a little disorientated!


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