Sunday, January 14, 2007


Some thoughts on happiness garnered from the last few minutes of a radio show on Christmas Day:

One speaker pointed out the fact that that happiness is a different thing from pleasure and that, realising this, we should be both more other-directed and focused on the achievement of our long-term goals; inactivity in the face of unhappiness was worst of all. "DO something, Mutley!"

Research apparently shows that happiness is largely a matter of temperament, and is generally affected only for a short time by events such as winning the lottery, or even being interned in a concentration camp, after which it eventually resumes its previous level! One speaker suggested that, if unhappy, we remember how earlier unhappiness faded over time, and things worked out - and have a drink!

I have been thinking this week how realists stand a better chance of being happy than idealists do. This is because, in the practical sphere at least, realists have adjusted their expectations in the light of experience to reflect an imperfect world, whereas idealists continue to strive for the unattainable, refusing to acknowledge, for example, the animalistic and tribal behaviours bred into us by millions of years of genetic selection. Realists are less often disappointed.


plymouth rock said...

"To strive with difficulties and to conquer them is the highest human felicity"... according to Dr Johnson.
I think he might have been onto something. It's very sweet to face a challenge, or a fear, or an impasse, and to emerge the victor!

plymouth rock said...

Although it doesn't often happen.