Saturday, December 09, 2006


Last weekend I went to Vienna on what's become a bit of an annual pilgrimage. I've always loved the pre-Christmas atmosphere anywhere - well, anywhere cold! It must be to do with childhood, an apprehension of magic that never quite materialises. Anyway, I went round the Christmas markets and took so many pictures of stalls that I could give you a virtual tour - but bought very little. There's something about a Christmas bauble that makes it look good in company, but throwaway on its own. Judging by the heaving crowd, it will have proved worth the stallholders' while taking all those hours to set up. In the - very - gentle haze brought on by some mulled wine, it was a perfect winter's day. The only disappointment was that there wasn't the least trace of frost in the air.

1 comment:

Neil said...


As everyone has found who has changed to the beta blog, all the old comments have disappeared. Just like real speech, only half-remembered fragments remain.

So - sorry for the lost speech. But as someone said to me recently - as soon as you write it down, it's not true any more. These comments should be live, not museum pieces.