Thursday, April 22, 2004


All week, since the key worker scheme offered me an equity loan and gave me four weeks to act, I've been worrying about property, about my future, about financial security... It all makes me feel unsettled and not in the least excited.

All the stress is an insidious effect of watching and listening to the news so much! There is a subtext in the media, not just in "aspirational programming", all about the need to shore up your defences in an uncertain, often terrifying world. I resent how it's crept into my head - my private "imaginal" space - and is making me into a "paranoid android". Having a long talk with a spiritually-minded friend this week helped me get things a bit more into perspective. What is really important in life? It's experience, stoopid! And that can be enjoyed to the full in a beach hut. Now there's a better idea...

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